Frequently asked questions about the UC Business Travel Insurance
1. Is it correct that Traveler must get a new card for each out-of-state trip? Yes
2. Is it sufficient to have registered for the card, or does the card also need to be carried on each trip, in order to be produced if needed? Yes, should be carried on trip.
3. What if the card is lost before the trip begins, or even while traveling? Card should be kept with wallet/passport etc., but can re-register if necessary.
4. If there is a separate card for each trip, is there information on the card specifying the dates of travel, or the dates of its validity? Yes, dates are on the card.
5. If the card does contain dates, what happens if the dates of travel are changed? Coverage is still available.
6. If the dates on the card do not match those of the trip, and something happens to the Traveler while traveling but on a 'non-covered' date, what happens? Is the Travel not insured by the Lab's insurance in that event? If a traveler fails to register UC and the carrier will still respond to their call for assistance. Employee safety and security is our and ACE's priority.
In order to continue to provide these generous benefits, UC has an obligation to provide the carrier with information regarding the exposure - who is traveling, purpose of travel, and where they are traveling outside of California. If we (all of UC) do not make a good faith effort to provide the information it is likely that at minimum next year rates will increase, UC will lose coverage for war risk countries, or worse case not be renewed. If UC provides adequate information then it is likely to see the rate decrease. ACE is the only carrier currently in the world to provide this comprehensive program. UC expects that AIG will offer a similar product in the near future, but their reporting requirements will be similar.
As it stands this program represents a cost savings in the range of $50,000 to $100,000 per campus.
UC is planning on linking this program to the new Travel booking program that will be rolled out in 2008, which will create greater ease and efficiency in enrolling.
7. Is the card issued instantly? Yes Can the Traveler have it issued the day of a trip, or must there be more lead-time? Card can be issued instantly.
8. It is understood that the coverage exceeds that which was formerly available. Is it spelled out anywhere exactly how the coverage is better? Please see comparison chart- old & new on the Travel Office Website.