วันอังคารที่ 3 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2555

What is the purpose of the Keyword Ranking Analysis Report?

What is the purpose of the Keyword Ranking Analysis Report?

The purpose of our Keyword Ranking Analysis Report is to assess how competitive a market is, in terms of how hard it will be for you to rank in Google for the specific keyword.

What information is displayed in this report:

Domain: The URL of the website ranked in Google for the keyword
Page Title: The title of the page ranked in Google. This is the text located within the tags. Your main keyword should appear in the title of the page.
Google page rank: A number that Google assigns to each web page on the internet to determine how powerful the URL is.
Yahoo Backlinks: The total number of links pointing to the website
Position: The position of the website for the keyword within Google

Why do we use Yahoo BackLinks?

The reason we’re using Yahoo here is because Yahoo gives a better, more thorough list of all of the websites linking to the website you input. Google no longer gives us a full list. They don’t display it publicly because they don’t want people like us manipulating their search results, which is what we’re able to do with this information

Yahoo lists sites in order from the MOST POWERFUL link at the top, to the least powerful at the bottom. This is very important because you’ll know that if you could get a link from the top site in Yahoo’s results, you know that that specific website would help boost your Google ranking more than any other link.



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